Currently Accepting Interviews

We are currently accepting interviews for the What Should I Be project.

All interviews are conducted using Skype (video and audio).  (So, please dress nicely, at least from the waist on up.)  Skype is a free online conferencing application that allows 2 or more people to meet-up online and conduct a video conference or chat.  All interviewees are typically required to have (or signup for) a Skype account, which again is free.  (If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up and download Skype, which will work on any (Windows) PC, MAC or Linux computer.)

A webcam (which will provide video and audio), or equivalent, is required.  (Please ask us for recommendations and tips for a good Skype meeting, including recommended settings, lighting suggestions, etc. You can also find useful tips and information from the Skype website.   Here are some quick webcam related tips:  Mac webcam tips or PC webcam tips.)

IMPORTANT:  We also have a help document for PC users, that will provide tips on how to configure your webcam for the best possible results.

At this time, interviews for the What Should I Be project must fall into one or more of the following categories.  (If your career or the field you work in, falls within one of the following categories, please complete and submit our Interview Request and Consent Form.  We are always open to suggestions for additional career and fields to include as part of our interviews.)

Career / Field Categories

Request and Consent Form

  • Actor (professional – such as movie, theatre, broadway, off-broadway, etc.)
  • Air Traffic Controller (most any related field)
  • Airline Pilot (Commercial)
  • Airline (Commercial) (most any related field)
  • Astronaut (most any related field that involves the field of Outer Space)
  • Astronomy (most any related field)
  • Athlete (Professional) (most any related field)
  • Athlete (Semi-Pro) (most any related field)   ***
  • Author **
  • Automotive mechanic
  • Banker (most any related field that involves the field of Banking)
  • Baseball (Professional)
  • Biologist (most any related field that involves the field of Biology)
  • Bookkeeping clerk
  • Budget analyst
  • Carpenter
  • Certified Financial Planner (most any related field)
  • Chemist (most any related field that involves the field of Chemistry)
  • Choreographer (Professional)
  • Childcare worker
  • CIA work (most any related field that involves the field of working in the CIA)
  • Civil engineer
  • Clothing Designer
  • Coach (High School and/or College Sports)
  • College President (from most any University worldwide, with more than 5,000 students)
  • Comedian (Professional)
  • Computer hardware engineer (or similar career /field)
  • Computer support specialist (or similar career /field)
  • Computer security specialist (or similar career /field)
  • Computer network specialist (or similar career /field)
  • Congressman of the USA
  • Cost Estimator
  • Court reporter
  • Dancer (Professional, most all fields)   ***
  • Dance Instructor (Professional, most all fields)
  • Database administrator
  • Desktop publisher
  • Drafter
  • Economist (most any related field that involves the field of Economics)
  • Editorial Editor
  • Educator (licensed and certified teachers, professor, etc.)
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electrician
  • Engineer (most any related field that involves the field of Engineering)
  • Environmental scientist (most any sub field as well)
  • Exterminator (most any related field – residential or commercial)
  • Farmer
  • FBI work (most any related field that involves the field of working in the FBI)
  • Financial analyst
  • Firefighter
  • Fitness trainer
  • Flight Attendant (Commercial Airline)
  • Football (Professional)
  • Golf (Professional)
  • Government (such as Mayor, Governor, Senator, President, etc.)
  • Historian
  • Home Land Security work (most any related field)
  • Human resources assistant
  • Human resources director
  • Insurance Agent (most any related field)
  • Judge
  • Landscaping (architect)
  • Lawyer (most any related field that involves the field of Law)
  • Librarian
  • Loan officer
  • Marketing (most any related field) ***
  • Mathematician (most any related jobs involving the field of Mathematics)
  • Mayor of any city or town in the USA (population over 50,000)
  • Medical (most any related job in the general field of Medicine)
  • Microbiologist
  • Military (most any related jobs involving the field of the Military)
  • MMA (Mixed Martial Arts, Professional)
  • Model (Professional)
  • Movie Producer and/or Director (most any related fields)
  • Musician (Professional)   ***
  • Music Industry (Professional) (most any related fields)
  • Nursing (most any related field)
  • OTHER (please specify – if not otherwise listed) *
  • Paralegal
  • Pharmacist
  • Photographer (professional)   ***
  • Physician (most any related field that involves the field of Medicine – by licensed Doctors)
  • Physicist (most any related field that involves the field of Physics)
  • Pilot (Professional and Commercial)
  • Plumber (most any related field that involves the field of Plumbing)
  • Podcaster (with a minimum of 50 individual shows, a minimum of 250,000 total downloads to date)   ***
  • Police officer (most any related field that involves the field of Police work)
  • Politician (most any – worldwide)
  • President of the United States (or most any other country worldwide)
  • President of a Fortune 500 company
  • Psychologist / Psychiatrist (or more any related field)
  • Race Car Driver
  • Race Car Mechanic (or any other related field to Race Car Driving)
  • Radio Talk Show Host   ***
  • Real estate agent
  • Recreational therapist
  • Referee (Sports)
  • Registered nurse (most any related field that involves the field of Nursing or working in a Hospital)
  • Reporter
  • Scientist (most any related jobs involving the field of Science)
  • Secretary
  • Secretary of State (of the USA, or any other related field)
  • Security (most any related field that involves the field of Security)
  • Senator of the USA
  • Social worker
  • Software developer   ***
  • Statistician
  • Surveyor
  • Systems analyst
  • Teachers (See Educators – above)
  • Technology (most any field in the world of technology)  **
  • Television Talk Show Host   ***
  • Television Producer and/or Director
  • Urban planner
  • Veterinarian
  • Vice President of the USA (or most any other country worldwide)
  • Website Developer (or many related fields)  **
  • Wrestling (Professional)
  • Writer  **
  • Zoologist

Important Note:   The “What Should I Be” project is seeking to provide a balanced and diverse set of interviews of people, throughout the world, who are working in a career or field that they love. Therefore, while we openly accept applications from anyone who is interested in sharing their story and being interviewed, we regret that may not always be able to accommodate all requests.  Each interview request and consent form we receive needs to be reviewed and considered before any decision is made as to when, as well as whether or not, an interview will be accepted, scheduled and approved for inclusion within the project. There are many factors that go into the decision making process of which interviews we are able to, and/or are willing to, produce and allow to become part of the “What Should I Be” project.

Below is a list of additional details regarding the general categories that are listed above:

*   Our “OTHER” category is limited and not always accepted. (Acceptance is based upon the details that are provided by each applicant.)  Therefore, we encourage you to please  complete an application so we can receive and review your information, add your information to our files and contact you back, if and as appropriate.

**  Currently we are not seeking any additional interviews for this category, at this time. (But, please keep in mind, that on occasion, exceptions are made, based upon the details that are provided by each applicant.)  Therefore, we encourage you to please  complete an application so we can receive and review your information, add your information to our files and contact you back, if and as appropriate.

***  Currently we are seeking only a limited number of interviews for this category, at this time. (But, please keep in mind, that on occasion, exceptions are made, based upon the details that are provided by each applicant.)  Therefore, we encourage you to please  complete an application so we can receive and review your information, add your information to our files and contact you back, if and as appropriate.

If your career or field of work falls within any of the above categories, please complete and submit our interview request and consent form.  We will contact you back shortly to discuss the interview process.

If your career or field does not fall within any of the above categories, please submit a request to us using our contact form, and we will review and reply to all submissions.  We often make exceptions and accept interviews for careers and fields that extend outside of the above list.  (The above list also changes periodically, so we welcome all requests.)