Get started now by listening, watching and learning from our interviews!

If you’re wondering ‘what should I be when I grow up,’  …

please read the story about the What Should I Be project.

What Should I Be (tm)

My name is Gary Gordon and I am the founder and President of What Should I BeTM. (What Should I Be is a non-profit 501c3 organization.)  The goal of What Should I BeTM is to provide access to, and develop, a wealth of useful and beneficial career focused interviews and additional information, at no cost to the public, that will help guide everyone to find their ultimate path and passion in life.

The What Should I BeTM project (free to the public), presents a series of interviews (from people working in all types of exciting careers worldwide) and delivers them via the web through iTunes (accessible by smart phones, tablets/iPads and computers) as well as directly from the What Should I BeTM ( website.

The project is dedicated to helping young people (typically in their teens) who are trying to figure out “what they should be and do with their lives” as they consider … “life after High School,” such as continuing on to College (and for what), attend a Trade School, etc.

What Should I BeTM is continuously in the process of developing career focused interviews that will feature the stories of people, throughout the world, who have have already discovered their own path and passion in life, and have succeeded in living their dream every day.  Each of their stories, as explained in our eBook titled What Should I Be will take us from the very beginning and explain how these individuals got started in their field; the road they traveled to get to where they are today; what they needed to get started in the way of education, money, etc.; any bumps they encountered along their journey; and much, much more.

What Should I BeTM provides easy and free access to all of our audio and video interviews, as well as most if not all of the other resources, with the goal of helping to answer the big question of What Should I BeTM .  We hope to provide everyone with the tools and information needed, no matter where you live in the world, no matter how young or old you are, to learn about and discover the best possible choice for a life of happiness and ultimate fulfillment.  [ Find out how you can help. ]

You can subscribe for FREE (using iTunes or RSS) to the 'What Should I Be' Podcast:
iTunes  RSS Feed

By subscribing to the What Should I BeTM podcast, you can easily keep up with what’s new (as we continuously add new interviews), what’s coming, and more!

The project is also considered “open to the community” in that many people will be encouraged and allowed to donate their time and assistance in order to participate and contribute content as well as provide various forms of help and support to the project as writers, podcasters, reporter/interviewers, transcriptionists, graphic designers, editors, researchers and in many other various ways.

If you’re interested in participating as one of our partners, associates, board members, reporter/interviewers, etc., or to make a donation to this project, please contact us. We are currently seeking the help of Reporters/Interviewers and Podcasters (from around the world) as well as Interviewees (meaning people that are currently working in a field that they love .. something that is their passion in life), Transcribers (from audio to text), and others. If you believe you can be of help to this project, we welcome your participation.

Gary M. Gordon
Founder and President of What Should I BeTM

CONTACT US:  To discuss how you can participate in any capacity, including various internship opportunities, contact us via email (using our online contact form), phone (856-528-3246), Skype (id: garymgordon) or send us a Voicemail message.