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  • Brian Smith

    Brian Smith


    Hits 2027

    Brian Smith - Author, Communications Expert and Management Consultant is a leading authority on soft-skills training and leadership development. Brian - a behaviorist by training - works with people who want to learn how to communicate and interact more effectively; and who want to discover how to get the best out of themselves and others. He is the author of two books "Confessions of a Reformed Control Freak - The Top Ten Sins Most Managers Make & How to Avoid Them" and "Managing for Results - The Art of Managing and Leading in the 21st Century". Brian is a former member of the faculty and professor at Algonquin College's School of Business where he taught entrepreneurship, skills for success and professional selling. He is CEO / President of Power Link Dynamics and travels throughout North America delivering keynote speeches and facilitating workshops to address the challenges facing managers and business leaders today.