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Medical Fields

  • Amrit Grewal

    Amrit Grewal

    Hits 9715

    She primarily treats children and adolescents with emotional concerns ranging from depression, self-harm and anxiety disorders to psychosis, relationship difficulties and behavioral problems.
  • Dr. Fred Rosen

    Dr. Fred Rosen


    Hits 3162

    His story begins with a look at his years during college, what he majored in, his choice of undergraduate classes, and how he made a conscious decision to take the necessary courses that would prepare him to be accepted and enter dental school immediately after fulfilling his undergraduate degree. Dr. Rosen, realized early on in his teenage years that working in the field of medicine was something of great interest to him. But as we learn at the very end, one of the primary reasons he chose to become a dentist, as opposed to a traditional medical doctor or surgeon, was simply that although he loves the field of medicine, dealing with life or death medical situations made him uneasy and I can certainly understand his concern. Dr. Rosen loves helping people and working as a dentist allows him to do this every day.

  • Dr. George Seretis

    Dr. George Seretis


    Hits 4469

    Upon completion of his undergraduate studies at New York University, he earned his medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He then went on to serve as a family medicine resident at Doctors Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. During his residency he served as chief resident from 1996 to 1997. Dr. Seretis joined Christiana Care in 1997, where he provided comprehensive care for families of Salem and Gloucester Counties.

  • Lynise Anderson

    Lynise Anderson


    Hits 2208

    As a nutritionist and health coach, I work with clients of all ages and from all parts of the world to help them rebuild their health. By assiting them in identifying the stressors (dietary, structural, emotional, physical, psychological, environmental, etc.) that underlie their health imbalances, we are able to work together to create individualized and comprehensive wellness programs that allow them to restore health and balance. I work with clients that present all types of symptoms - diabetes, hypertension, weight issues, thyroid imbalances, digestive complaints, cancer, fatigue, insomnia, candidiasis, chronic pain - EVERYTHING!