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  • Dianne Collins

    Dianne Collins


    Hits 2088

    I developed a system "new thinking for mastering effectiveness in a changing world" known as QuantumThink. The QuantumThink system is comprised of 21 principles and practices for the mind and awareness that enables us to take command of our life by learning the way our habits of thinking affect our experiences and outcomes. In 1997 I trademarked this new system of thinking, QuantumThink(r). In the QuantumThink principles--known as "distinctions in thinking--I draw upon a wide ranges of sources from cutting edge innovations in the sciences to the insights of the world's great teachers of ageless and spiritual wisdom. I put it all together into practical living wisdom that makes sense of our changing world and teaches us to integrate new levels of awareness toward our own mastery in expressing what we are uniquely here to express for ourselves and the world.

  • Brian Smith

    Brian Smith


    Hits 2027

    Brian Smith - Author, Communications Expert and Management Consultant is a leading authority on soft-skills training and leadership development. Brian - a behaviorist by training - works with people who want to learn how to communicate and interact more effectively; and who want to discover how to get the best out of themselves and others. He is the author of two books "Confessions of a Reformed Control Freak - The Top Ten Sins Most Managers Make & How to Avoid Them" and "Managing for Results - The Art of Managing and Leading in the 21st Century". Brian is a former member of the faculty and professor at Algonquin College's School of Business where he taught entrepreneurship, skills for success and professional selling. He is CEO / President of Power Link Dynamics and travels throughout North America delivering keynote speeches and facilitating workshops to address the challenges facing managers and business leaders today.